
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why MiraCosta College? $$$$$$

        In this particular blog you have to do a little bit of Math.

   This is a very simple way to understand why colleges exist in the first place and why you might want to consider going to a college like MiraCosta instead of going to a four year university.
    In order to get a Bachelor degree in the united state, it might take you about 4 years or more. Now let us talk about the $$$$$$.

  • The average cost of a university for one year, for an international student is about $35,000 tuition and fees only.   For the first two years you will spend about $35000 X 2=$70,000, which is a lot of money.
  • The cost of attending a community college like MiraCosta for an international student is $6800 (tuition and fees only) for one year.  You can spend the first 2 years in college which will cost you about $6800 X 2= $13,600. 
Now this is where the magic of college comes in.

          When you obtain this transfer degree, you can now go to a university and get in to your 3 year. When you transfer you complete 2 more years and end up with a bachelor degree.  Take note that, college does not make it slower or faster to obtain a bachelor degree, it simply gives you an opportunity to get a higher and quality education at a cheaper prices.

      One of the biggest advantage of going to college is that you are going to save about $56,400
($70,000 - $13,600) just by going to MiraCosta College. Come to MiraCosta College and save some money$$$$$. We are also one of the best and most fun college to attain in California.
     Hope you found this blog interesting!!! Come to MiraCosta College and get you college degree at an affordable price.

It is Halloween Time!!! A Different Culture from "Delia Africa"

Halloween!!! Halloween!!!! Halloween!!!

Halloween is a very popular holiday in the western countries. It is highly celebrated in the US. At MiraCosta College, a lot of offices and building decorate their offices to celebrate halloween.

I don't know exactly why Halloween is celebrated in the US,  there are different points of view about how to celebrate it. But the one thing I love is that I get to experience a new and different culture. Because in my country (Cameroon) we don't have this type of celebration. Also candies and chocolates are really cheap during this time.

Happy Halloween !!!!!!    

How To Prepare for a New Semester

        Getting ready for a new semester, is something that most students talk about but they actually don't do it or take it serious.  We sometimes say ohh I need to get ready for my next semester,
 Or for someone like me I will probably say I am not ready for the next semester (LoL😊). In order to get ready for a new semester, you need to know the classes you want to do ahead of time, if you don't know them, then try to meet with a  counselor to help you. Every student needs to make a full Educational Plan, that will show all the classes you need to take until you graduate. This plan can be changed but it is a good idea to have one so you know what clases you are going to take a head of time. It will also help you to be more prepare for every semester. For more information about counseling please read my previous blogs or some of the blogs written by my other collegues.
      If you are a new student, make sure to attend the new student orientation.The new student orientation this year was fabulous. There was so much food, and a lot of fun things. Below is a picture of one of the international peer leader, her name is Scarlet, and she is from Honduras, she speaks Spanish and English. The photo on the left is a picture of some of the new students that attended orientation and had the great opportuinty to meet with other new students and make new friends from all over the world. For more information, make sure to read my next blog about orientation.

New Student Orientation, Fall 2016

love love love